
Create and Edit wiki pages

Page history last edited by Geoff Roulet 12 years ago

If you are logged-in to your PBworks account and have been given Writer permissions by the wiki Administrator then clicking on the button at the top of the page will put you in edit mode.



Working in edit mode is similar to using a word processor. You may edit existing text and new text may be added by typing or by copy-and-paste from other sources. The tools on the left half of the tool bar allow you to format your text.


The button allows you to insert a link to an image file, another page in the wiki, or to any other point on the Web.



If you wish to link to an existing page in the wiki or to an image file that you have uploaded use the Browse Pages & Files option to locate the item. If this is a wiki page a link will be inserted. If it is an image file the image itself will be added to the page.


For a link to another resource on the Web copy and insert the url.


If you wish to link to a new page in the wiki type in an appropriate page name. When you click on the link after saving the new page will be created. Going there and using Edit will allow you to add a separate contribution to the wiki.


When you have completed your edits click below.



The instructions above are repeated and expanded upon in the video below.








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