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Record and embed a Jing video

Page history last edited by Geoff Roulet 11 years, 8 months ago

To record and embed Jing videos you must have Jing installed on your computer and have set up a screencast.com account.


To install the free Jing software go to http://www.techsmith.com/download/jing/default.asp and download and install the software appropriate for your computer.


When you first install Jing you will be invited to sign-up for a screencast.com account. You can follow this route or alternately you may go directly to http://www.screencast.com/ and sign-up for an account.


Once you have completed the above tasks you are ready to record videos of your computer screen and embed them in wiki pages.


The first step is to use Jing to record a video as you complete your work in GeoGebra.


The video below will show you how to do this.



Step two is to embed the video on a new wiki page that you have created.


The video below will show you how to embed the video.


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