
embed a GeoGebra applet

Page history last edited by Geoff Roulet 12 years ago

Suppose you have worked with GeoGebra to produce a tool that others could use to explore the shape of the curve of f(x) = 2x³ + bx² + cx - 7 as the values for the coefficients b and c are changed by dragging sliders.



This tool can be embedded on a wiki page as an applet that visitors to the page can use. To do this follow the instructions below. Alternatively you can view the video at the bottom of this page.


1. Adjust the size of your GeoGebra window so that it will fit on the wiki page.


2. Go to File > Export > Dynamic Worksheet as Webpage (html)...



3. Select Export as Webpage and click Advanced




4. In the pop-up window you can add a title for the applet and your name as author and select the GeoGebra features (menus, tools, etc.) that you wish to provide to users of the applet.



5. In the drop down menu at the lower right select Clipboard: html














6. Click Clipboard


Now the code for your applet is on your computer clipboard and ready to be pasted into a wiki page.


7. On the wiki page where you wish to place the applet click and place your cursor where the applet is to appear.


8. Click Insert and in the drop-down menu select HTML/JavaScript


9. In the window that appears paste the GeoGebra code from your clipboard, check Allow JavaScript and ..., and click Next



10. Click


The resulting plugin will look like rather than the GeoGebra applet, but the GeoGebra tool will appear, as below, once you


11. Click


Hills and Valleys in the Cubic Curve - GeoGebra Dynamic Worksheet

Hills and Valleys in the Cubic Curve


This is a Java Applet created using GeoGebra from www.geogebra.org - it looks like you don't have Java installed, please go to www.java.com


J Doe, 30 January 2013, Created with GeoGebra



The video below repeats the instruction given above.



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